
BitCoins are Great.

BitCoins are great.

There are no banks to worry about. No fees, no credit cards, no chance of having
your identity stolen or your account frozen. You may not earn any interest, but you
always have instant access to your money and you know exactly how much you

They.re also great for when you need to give money to someone else. There.s no
forms to fill out or confusing account numbers. You don.t need to deal with a
middleman. You just send some BitCoins to their Receiving Address and that.s it.

Then the Internet happened. Web stores let you do your research at home and then
buy exactly what you need without having to hunt for it in brick and mortar stores.
After all, it.s easy to send someone a few BitCoins, even if they live on the other side
of the world. If you.re the one selling, it.s even easier to receive them.

Even if you.re not selling, you can still conjure BitCoins out of the cryptographic soup
that is the hash, block and block-chain system that makes BitCoins tick using nothing
but a computer with a discrete graphics card.

Isn.t it great to be able to use cash on the Internet, too? To have the ability to store
your own money on your own computer? To buy what you need online without
dealing with banks and middlemen?

Yeah. It is, and BitCoin makes it possible.Did you like this PDF Guide? Then why not
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