
Currency Exchange

Currency Exchange  

Although free BitCoins are awesome, it doesn.t give you a whole lot to work with.
The easiest solution is to exchange your currency for some BitCoins. There are a
number of websites you can use to do this, though you.ll need to make sure that the
website you choose will handle your particular currency (otherwise you.ll end up
exchanging money twice, with transaction fees and all)!

For a list of the BitCoin exchange sites and the currencies they support, there.s a
page over at the BitCoin wiki (https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Trade).

There are two main types of currency exchange: real time and fixed-rate. Real time
trading is where the buyer lists the maximum price they are willing to pay for each
BitCoin, while the seller lists the minimum price they are willing to sell each BitCoin for.
Trade instantly happens when these two prices overlap. In this scenario it is possible
to get a great exchange rate, although this can require some patience.

Fixed-rate exchange, on the other hand, is much closer to your standard foreign
exchange transaction: a company will offer a rate which is fixed for a certain period
of time, and will exchange any quantity of fiat currency for BitCoins at a standard
rate. While you won.t get as good a deal as if you.re patient in real time trading,
fixed-rate exchange is more reliable and instantaneous.

The most popular exchange website by far is Mt Gox (www.mtgox.com), which is
responsible for over 80% of BitCoin transactions using the real time model.

Donations/Free BitCoins

As you may have guessed, this section deals with free BitCoins from websites and
from other individuals. While the BitCoins you.ll get for nothing are few and far
between (and usually far less than a whole BitCoin), it.s still something to get you
started and to help you understand how BitCoin transactions work.

The best place to get your first free BitCoin (or a percentage thereof) is to head over
to the BitCoin Faucet (https://freebitcoins.appspot.com/), which gives out 0.001BTC
to new BitCoin users. You.ll need a Google account of some description (typically
your Google Mail or Google+ account, although you can sign up for a free Google
account using a different email address) – a countermeasure put in place to
prevent a few people from abusing the free money.

Once you.ve logged in with your Google account, you.ll need to solve a captcha
(a puzzle used to prove that you.re not a robot), then enter your receiving address
before clicking “Get Some!”.

That.s it! It may take up to 10 minutes for the payment to come through, as the
BitCoin Faucet bundles payments together to reduce load on the network, but then
you should see 0.001 BitCoins show up in your wallet.

Donations work much in the same way. You can put a receiving address pretty
much anywhere; on your FaceBook or Google+ profile, on forums, in email

signatures or even in real life. That way, if somebody has some spare „Coins and
wants to thank you for something it.s just a case of sending a BitCoin or so to your
receiving address.

A typical example of a receiving address placed in a forum signature

Currency Exchange

Although free BitCoins are awesome, it doesn.t give you a whole lot to work with.
The easiest solution is to exchange your currency for some BitCoins. There are a
number of websites you can use to do this, though you.ll need to make sure that the
website you choose will handle your particular currency (otherwise you.ll end up
exchanging money twice, with transaction fees and all)!

For a list of the BitCoin exchange sites and the currencies they support, there.s a
page over at the BitCoin wiki (https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Trade).

BitCoin files,

The ~ means your home folder, not the root Library folder – these are two different
folders which contain different data. Make sure you look in the right one! When you
find it, copy the entire BitCoin folder to the VED and then delete the folder in
Application Support. You.ll probably want to copy it to your Desktop as a failsafe
in case something goes wrong, too.

Now it.s time to create a symbolic link to trick OS X into thinking that the folder is still
there in Application Support, even though it.s now in the VED. To do this, we.ll
need to start up a Terminal window, and enter in the following:

ln -s /Volumes/BITCOIN/Bitcoin ~/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin

Where BITCOIN is the name you gave to the VED when it.s mounted.

That.s the last step! Now you can start up the BitCoin client and it will take its data
from the VED. Make sure you mount the VED before starting the BitCoin client,
though – if you start the client without mounting the VED, it will create a new
Bitcoin folder in Application Support and remove the symbolic link. If this
happens, just delete the folder in Application Support, mount the VED and
create the symbolic link again using the same command.

Now we can start up the BitCoin client and check to see whether we have the same
receiving address as the one we started with. If so, it.s all done and working great.


First up, create a Virtual Encrypted Disk (VED) using TrueCrypt. Just use all the default
settings, use a secure password and save it in your DropBox folder. You.ll want to
allocate around 100MB to the VED to make sure that you don.t run out of room
down the line.

When you.ve created the VED, use TrueCrypt to mount it. When you choose a slot to
mount the VED, it will mount it in /media/truecrypt<x>, where <x> is the number
of the slot you chose. For this example, we.ll assume you.ve chosen slot 1, in which
case the mount point would be /media/truecrypt1.

Before doing anything to the BitCoin files, open up BitCoin and take note of your
receiving address. We can use this to verify whether the symbolic link has worked

By default BitCoin files are stored in the folder ~/.bitcoin, where ~ is the root of
your home folder. As files starting with “.” are hidden by Ubuntu, you.ll need to
unhide the folder by pressing Ctrl + H. Then move (Ctrl + X to cut, Ctrl + V
to paste) the entire .bitcoin folder to the VED, which acts just like a memory stick.

Once the files have been moved, we just need to make a symbolic link to point the
BitCoin client to the VED when it.s looking for its files. We do this by opening up a
Terminal window (Applications > Accessories > Terminal) and entering the following:

ln –s /media/truecrypt1/.bitcoin ~/.bitcoin

All done! If you go and start the BitCoin client again, you should notice that your
receiving address is the same as before. This means that you.ve done everything
successfully and it is ready to use.

Make sure you mount the VED before starting the BitCoin client, though – if you start
the client without mounting the VED, it will create a new .bitcoin folder in your
home folder and remove the symbolic link. If this happens, just delete the .bitcoin
folder in your home folder, mount the VED and create the symbolic link again using
the same command you used before.

BitCoin Trading

The other main way to get BitCoins is to earn them by providing goods or services
online and accepting BitCoins as payment. From obvious things like web design and
app development to crazy things like ordering pizza for someone, dictating 500
words or writing a song, pretty much anything can potentially earn you BitCoins.

If you want to sell physical objects, you can use websites such as the BitCoin World
Market (http://www.bitcoinworldmarket.com) which pays you in BitCoins or other

Conversely, if you already run a business online, accepting BitCoins is really easy.
You can read more about this by looking at the article on the BitCoin Wiki
(https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/How_to_accept_Bitcoin,_for_small_businesses) then post a
link on the Trade page (http://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Trade) so that people can find your

Finally, if you want to sell a one off item or provide a service, look no further than the
site For BitCoin (http://www.forbitcoin.com), which will let you say what you.ll do for
BitCoins and how much you want for the trouble. It.s a simple idea, but one that
works really well.

Spending BitCoin

Funnily enough, finding something to spend your hard earned BitCoins on is just a
case of going to the same places you can use to earn BitCoins.

The best place to start is the BitCoin Wiki.s Trade Page
(http://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Trade), which provides a list of all the known websites that
accept BitCoins for goods or services.

All BitCoin transactions involve a sending address and a receiving address. When
you earn BitCoins you give somebody your receiving address; to spend BitCoins,
you.re provided a receiving address to send BitCoins to.

Sending BitCoins is easy. Just click on the “Send Coins” button in the client window.
Then, in the resulting “Send Coins” window, enter the Receiving Address you want to
send the coins to, specify an amount and click “Send”. That.s it!

Securely Sync Your BitCoins

Since you.re looking after your money yourself, and there.s no built-in backup in
case something goes horribly wrong and your money is lost or stolen, it.s important
that you keep your BitCoin wallet locked up and backed up.

To achieve this, we.ll be making use of two separate, free, cross-platform programs
that we.ve extensively covered in the past: TrueCrypt and DropBox.

The process is largely the same regardless of platform, although each operating
system does have a slightly different place that it stores the BitCoin files. We.ll quickly
run through each one, and I.ll assume you know what you.re doing with TrueCrypt
and DropBox and that you already have them installed and ready to go. If you
haven.t come across them before, I strongly suggest that you go and read the
MakeUseOf PDF guides for each.

Bear in mind, though, that some of the steps involved are quite advanced. If you.re
not at all confident in your abilities with a computer, I.d suggest leaving this bit
alone. As a general rule, if you have no idea where or what the Terminal is, you
probably shouldn.t be using it.


First up, you.ll want to make a Virtual Encrypted Disk using TrueCrypt. Just use the
basic settings, and don.t worry about making a dynamic disk – you really don.t want
anything going wrong with it! Ideally the VED should be around 100MB in size to
accommodate any large increases in file size in the future. Save the VED file to
DropBox so that it.s automatically backed up!

Before we start working with the files, start up BitCoin and take note of the receiving
address. We can use this to verify that it is using the data properly.

Once you.ve done that, it.s just a case of finding the folder where the BitCoin client
stores all its files (including your wallet file). You can usually find this by going to Start
> Run (or by pressing WinKey + R and typing in the following:

explorer %APPDATA%\Bitcoin

This is the default location for BitCoin data:

C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserName\Application data\Bitcoin (XP)

C:\Users\YourUserName\Appdata\Roaming\Bitcoin (Vista and 7)

Once you.ve found the folder, copy the entire folder into the VED that you created
earlier. Take note of the drive letter you assign to the VED – you.ll be using this in a bit
when you tell BitCoin where to look for its data. For this example we.ll assume that
the drive you have selected is the E: drive.

Once you.ve copied the files over, create a temporary backup of the file, then
delete the original file from the Appdata folder. This will force the BitCoin client to use
the VED as a source if everything has been done correctly, otherwise it will simply
create a new folder to replace the one that was deleted.

Now that you.ve finished moving files around, you can create a new shortcut to start
the BitCoin application. Find BitCoin in your Start Menu, right click the shortcut and
choose “Send to > Desktop (create shortcut)”. Then right click the shortcut you just
edited and click “Properties…” and enter in the following in the “Target” field:

C:\Program Files\Bitcoin\bitcoin.exe -datadir=E:\Bitcoin

Don.t forget to change E: to the drive letter you assigned the VED. Also, if you.re
using a 64-bit version of Windows, you.ll need to change

C:\Program Files\ to C:\Program Files (x86)\

The first part of the Target string (starting with C:\Program Files\) is the location of
the BitCoin client application, but not the wallet file or the files it works with. The –
datadir switch basically tells BitCoin to load all its files from E:\BitCoins instead of
the default file location in the AppData folder.

With that done, it.s just a matter of double clicking that shortcut to use BitCoin from
the secure Virtual Encrypted Drive. Just make sure that you.ve mounted the VED
before you start the BitCoin client, and that you always mount it to the same drive

At this point we can start up the BitCoin client and check to see whether we have
the same receiving address as the one we started with. If we do, it.s been successful.
If nIf you.re using OS X 10.6 or 10.7 (Snow Leopard or Lion), you.ll need to install a free
system utility called MacFUSE first that provides the software necessary to create
VEDs using TrueCrypt. It uses a standard .pkg installation process, so you shouldn.t
run into any problems at all. When that.s installed, we can get started properly.

Create a Virtual Encrypted Disk (VED) using TrueCrypt. Just use all the default
settings, enter a secure password and save it in your DropBox folder. You.ll want to
allocate around 100MB to the VED to make sure that you don.t run out of room
down the line.

After creating the VED, mount it using TrueCrypt. This will mount a volume which
looks just like when you mount a .dmg file to install an application. By default this will
be called NO NAME – right click this in the Finder sidebar and rename it to something
a bit more intuitive, such as BITCOIN (FAT, the file system used by the VED requires
the name to be in capital letters).

Before doing anything to the BitCoin files, open up BitCoin and take note of your
receiving address. We can use this to verify whether the symbolic link has worked

By default, the files needed by the BitCoin client are stored in the following locationot, don.t worry! Just try going through the steps again.

Creating a Worker

The next step is to create a worker account – each computer used for BitCoin
mining needs its own login (which allows you to set up multiple computers all mining
under your one main username).

If you don.t have any workers yet, red text will appear at the top of the screen telling
you to set up a new worker. It.s a link; click it and you will be taken to the Worker
page which allows you to add a new worker.

Creating a new worker just involves providing a worker name (which is in the form of
yourusername_workername where yourusername is your BTC Guild username) and
a password for that particular worker (we.ll refer to it as worker_password).

Configuring DiabloMiner

When you start DiabloMiner for the first time, you.ll be greeted with the set-up wizard.
These are the settings you.ll want to enter:

Server host name or IP address: uscentral.btcguild.com

Server port number: 8332

Miner username: yourusername_workername

Miner password: worker_password

Start mining automatically on log-in? No (so you can change

All done! You should see text to the effect of:

[8/23/11 2:31:08 AM] Started

[8/23/11 2:31:08 AM] Connecting to:

[8/23/11 2:31:08 AM] Added ATI Radeon HD 6750M (#1) (5 CU, local
work size of 256)

59005/62050 khash/s

When you see that last number you know that you have successfully connected and
you have started mining. Congratulations!

You.ll want to give it a while – a few days, maybe more – before you collect any
payouts. At that point you can supply your receiving address to the pool website
and they will transfer your earnings straight to your wallet. Simple!

How do I mine BitCoins

Mining for BitCoins is really easy, and just needs to be set up then left to mine. First
you.ll need to choose how you want to mine. It boils down to two options: mining by
yourself, or mining as part of a pool (where you pool your computer.s work with
other members and split the rewards when a block is produced).

If you mine by yourself, you.ll get to keep 100% of everything you earn. Just bear in
mind that there.s no way of knowing if and when you.ll produce a block.
Conversely, working for a pool means that you.ll get a steadier income (as the pool
is more likely to produce more blocks than you are by yourself), but you.ll sacrifice
some of your earnings to the person running the mining pool.

In this guide I.ll be showing you how to start mining for yourself, and also for mining in
the BTC Guild mining pool. If you.re using Windows or Ubuntu, Danny Stieben has
written a great guide to get you started over on the main MakeUseOf site.

For OS X we.ll be using the DiabloMiner.app, a frontend for the command-line
BitCoin miner DiabloMiner. You can download the latest version from this thread on
the BitCoin Talk Forum. Make sure you select the DiabloMiner version, not the
RPCMiner version (which uses the CPU instead of the GPU and is much slower as a

Solo Mining

Configuring the BitCoin Client

Before we can start mining, we need to set up the client to act as a server that
communicates with the BitCoin network so that we can mine by ourselves. This
involves editing a file called bitcoin.conf (or creating one if it doesn.t already
exist). This is stored in the Application Support folder, along with the other BitCoin

First, browse to the Application Support folder to see if there is already a
bitcoin.conf file. If there is, open it with TextEdit. If it isn.t, we.ll open TextEdit
anyway to create the file.

When we have TextEdit open, make sure that you.re working in Plain Text mode (as
formatting plays havoc with program files) by pressing cmd+shift+T. Then enter the
following text:





You can change the username and password if you wish; for solo mining it doesn.t
really matter at all either way. rpcport is the port which BitCoin uses for uploading
and downloading new block information, and server=1 makes BitCoin enables
server functions allowing us to mine without connecting to a pool. Save the file; if
you.re creating it from scratch, make sure to disable “If no extension is provided, use

Now you can start BitCoin and it will automatically start up the server in the
background. When this happens it will start to download all the previous blocks it
can find, which can take a very long time. This can affect DiabloMiner, so you.ll
need to wait for it to finish.

Configuring DiabloMiner

When you start DiabloMiner for the first time, you.ll be greeted with the set-up wizard.
These are the settings you.ll want to enter:

Server host name or IP address: localhost

Server port number: 8332

Miner username: username (or whatever username you chose)

Miner password: password (or whatever password you chose)

Start mining automatically on log-in? No (so you can change

That.s it! DiabloMiner will take care of the rest. However, if you see an error like:

ERROR: Can't connect to Bitcoin: Bitcoin returned error message:
Bitcoin is downloading blocks...

It.s because the BitCoin client hasn.t finished getting set up yet. Unfortunately there.s
no easy way to tell when it.s ready, so you.ll just have to wait and try again later.

Mining Pool (BTC Guild)

Creating a BTC Guild Account

The first step to mining in a pool is creating an account with the mining pool. This is
usually done through the pool.s website – in this case http://www.btcguild.com.

Creating an account is just like creating an account on any website. There.s a link
for creating an account on the left hand side of the page under the login box. Just
choose a username and password and then click “Register”. You.ll instantly be
logged in with the username you just chose; there.s no confirmation email to worry

BitCoin Mining

Before we start to talk about this, I should point out that very few people mine for
BitCoins. You don.t need to mine to use BitCoins; people who mine usually either do
it for fun or are prepared to take a risk with a business that is very likely to make less
than invested.

What is BitCoin Mining?

Although BitCoin is a distributed, peer-to-peer currency, it has to have a set
capacity for it to retain its value. For this reason, there will be a total of just under 21
million BitCoins available for circulation.

However, if 21 million BitCoins were to become available all at once and there
wasn.t enough demand for them, the BitCoins would be essentially worthless. For this
reason, the rate of new BitCoins entering circulation must be tightly controlled so
that BitCoins do not flood the market, instead being introduced gradually over the
next 100 years or so. This is where BitCoin mining comes in.

BitCoin mining is the process of using a computer to generate blocks, which are
used to process and verify the transactions which occur between the time the block
was generated and the time the previous block was generated. Blocks contain data
from the previous block so as to create a block chain, which contains information
about every transaction within the chain.

Creating a block requires a lot of work, which translates to a lot of time and a lot of
computer processing power. So, as an incentive, anybody who successfully creates
a block is given a reward (currently 50BTC, worth roughly 500 USD at the time of
writing) as well as any transaction fees included in the transactions hashed in the

Total BitCoins over time
There are a few catches, though. The network is designed to maintain a block 
production rate of a new block every 10 minutes (or 6 blocks an hour). As more 
people begin to mine with more powerful computers, the difficulty is adjusted so 
that it takes longer for a block to be produced (making it harder for each individual 
to be the producer of a block). 

The other catch is that the reward for each block produced is halved every 210,000 
blocks. Currently there are around 142,000 blocks in existence, so it will be a while 
before the reward amount falls. When it does reach 210,000 blocks, though, the 
reward will drop to 25BTC. When 420,000 blocks have been produced, the reward 
will fall to 12.5BTC, and so on and so forth. 

Once the 21 million BitCoins have been produced there will no longer be a reward, 
although the producer of the block will still receive all transaction fees for that block 
(which, by this point, will be significant enough to be a reward in itself). 

What do I need to mine BitCoins? 

At its most basic, all you need for BitCoin mining is a computer with a BitCoin mining 
application and an Internet connection. Having said that, there.s a difference 
between mining BitCoins and mining BitCoins well. The applications used for mining 
BitCoins make use of your graphics card, which can carry out many calculations at 
the same time (far more than possible with even the best CPUs). Put simply, more 
powerful graphics cards can carry out more calculations at once and carry them 
out faster. 

BitCoin mining performance is measured in hashes per second (hash/s), or the 
number of times the graphics card can convert the data supplied to it into a fixed-
length string of characters. When a hash is generated with the correct value a block 
is created, so the higher the hash/s value of the graphics card, the faster it is likely to 
create a new block. 

Most mid-range desktop graphics cards today (such as the AMD 6750 for $120) are 
capable of producing around 170Mhash/s (Megahashes per second) - that.s 170 
000 000 hashes per second. 

On the flip side, some people build servers made specifically for BitCoin mining. 
These may have 3 or 4 of the most powerful graphics cards currently available, 
which working together are able to produce over 2Ghash/s (Gigahashes per 
second) - that.s more than 2 000 000 000 hashes every second. 

Having said that, you can still successfully mine by using the graphics card in your 
computer, although upgrading it to a more powerful graphics card to improve 
performance can still be beneficial. 

To mine using a Mac you really want to be running Snow Leopard or later – earlier 
versions of OS X can.t make use of the graphics card and are too slow to be worth 
the hassle. 

How to use BitCoin

Getting a BitCoin wallet

The first step to getting started with BitCoins is to get yourself a BitCoin wallet. Just like
a real wallet, this is where your BitCoins are stored. It is far more tangible than money
stored in a bank account – the wallet file you create is a file just like any other
document. It can be moved around and stored on different devices. You can even
duplicate it to have multiple copies (obviously this doesn.t duplicate the money
inside, though!).
Your BitCoin wallet is comprised of two parts: the wallet file, which stores the BitCoins,
and the wallet application (also called the BitCoin client), which opens those wallet
files. This means that it is possible to store the wallet file on a USB drive (for example)
and open it on any computer that has the wallet application installed. As there is a
version for most operating systems, it.s possible to open the BitCoin file pretty much
You can download the official client from the BitCoin website (www.bitcoin.org).
There you can get the right version for your operating system.

For Windows and OS X, installing the wallet application is just like installing any other
application for your platform. I.ll assume that you already know how to do this.
Opening the application will generate the wallet file and assign you your first
receiving address (more on this in a bit).

 For Ubuntu, downloading the client gives you a .tar.gz file which contains four
different versions: the main application and the windowless server in both 32-bit and
64-bit flavours. You can put this folder anywhere and then click on bitcoin to start
the program.

 Alternatively, instead of installing the BitCoin client, you can choose to use an online
service such as Instawallet (www.instawallet.org). This site generates a wallet file and
ties it to a specific URL which you can save as a bookmark. This allows you to access

your BitCoins from pretty much anywhere, but means that you have to trust the
service with your BitCoins.

 Have a look at the BitCoin client window. This is the Mac version, but like most cross
platform applications it.s pretty much the same for every version.

 That.s all there is to it. Pretty simple, right?

BitCoin: The Virtual Currency ..

BitCoin: The Virtual Currency What is BitCoin? BitCoin is a new, all-digital, peer-to-peer (p2p) currency, which can be used to replace cold, hard cash when buying and selling goods and services online. Unlike most money online, which is stored in banks and transferred using payment processors like PayPal, BitCoin is completely distributed between its users and sent between users without the need for a middleman. Why should I use BitCoin? There are a few major advantages to using BitCoin in place of your normal currency for online transactions, most of which stem from how BitCoins are stored. First of all, BitCoin is a global, decentralised currency. This means that there is no country to which BitCoin specifically belongs, making it a viable currency to use all over the world. This makes international transactions simple; no longer does there need to be a discussion over whether the payment should be made in the buyer.s currency or the seller.s, nor at which exchange rate the transaction should take place. Another big advantage that decentralised currencies have is that a Federal Reserve or national bank does not manage the value of the currency. This means that the currency will retain its value regardless of the performance of the global economy, similar to the value of rare metals and commodities like oil. It has no single point of failure; the entire Internet would have to go down for BitCoin to fail. Second, because transactions are made directly from one person to another, there is no middleman, and therefore no fees. In a few years time there will be a slight charge for transactions due to the way that the currency is managed, but it should be much less than the standard alternatives. Third, because the BitCoins you own are stored in a wallet file on your computer, you have full control over your funds. Since the BitCoins are not stored in an “account” they cannot be frozen, meaning that you will never be left without cash. Furthermore, there is no “small print”, transaction limits, forms or other limits like you would have with a bank. Finally, while it does cost money to exchange fiat currencies to BitCoins and vice versa, it doesn.t cost anything to accept them, making it a great way to be paid online for goods or services. Some downsides to using BitCoin Of course, like all things, there are some downsides to using BitCoins, which may mean that using them is not for you. It.s worth giving it some thought before rushing in. First of all, because you hold on to the money and don.t store it in a bank, you won.t earn any interest on any money stored as BitCoins. While to most people this isn.t a major problem (since you.re likely only using BitCoins to send to somebody else), if you.re a merchant dealing in BitCoins, not collecting interest could have significant implications. Reliability is also a major issue. While in theory its internet-wide distribution should make the currency stable, it is still potentially susceptible to shocks in supply or demand, which could cause rapid changes in its value. It.s important to remember that BitCoin is a fledgling currency that has only been around for a couple of years and is one of the first of its kind, so there.s no real way to tell how successful it will be. Furthermore, while its decentralised nature can be advantageous, it does also mean that if something does go horribly wrong there.s no bank or government to back it up. Simply put: BitCoins could be worthless someday. Another problem is the way that money is sent from peer to peer. While it is possible to create more complex transaction systems for BitCoin, the simple transfers that make up the majority of BitCoin transactions have no set securities. That basically means that all transactions are final and there are no refunds, making it great for scammers; once the money is gone, it.s almost impossible to get it back without the other party returning it voluntarily. There is no bank or credit card company to appeal to. The other main downsides to using BitCoins come down to the disadvantages it shares with physical cash - its ability to be lost or stolen. As the BitCoins are stored in a simple file called a wallet file, they can be at risk to hackers and viruses that can transfer the money from your wallet to theirs (which, again, is almost impossible to reverse due to the nature of transactions). However, it.s a fairly simple and straightforward process to secure your wallet file - we.ll touch on that later. While it is quite difficult to “lose” the wallet file in the same way you might lose your real wallet, there are still the possible dangers of file corruption, hard drive failure and accidental deletion. Since the only record of the BitCoins you own is the wallet file that they.re stored in, losing the wallet means losing the BitCoins. Again, this is fairly easy to safeguard against, and we.ll be looking at a few different methods a bit later. So, now you know the risks involved. There are a few, to be sure, but most are easily avoided.